The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana (2024)

1 at ire THE SUNDAY GAZETTE: FORT WAYNE, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23,.1884 he though, dropping the ax and giving chase. But, after watching and poking around the hole in the stone fence where he had seon it go in, and "know it couldn't get out," he was obliged tc go without it. Then ho thought of his father's prom ise of the big bonfire at night, and went at his work with a will. He had not worked long before his father came driving up to the door. Johnny ran to meet him.

"Well, my son," 'said the father, you have finished the work I gave you, you may get your coat and come with me: Your mother and I are going over to Parkers to see the trial of the now, flour mill." face burned He said tearfully; How Johnny's heart. sank and how his "But my work is not done, father, "Then we must go without you," was the reply. Mrai. Gray was soon ready, and Johnny, with sad eyes, watched them drive But he did not rave and stamp his feet and ory over his now disappoint as had done over the first. He was, not angry now, and could reason with, himself, and soon BaW wherein he was to blame.

He picked up the ax and went to work, resolving in his mind never to put off his work for anything again. Ah, boys! is much easier to form a habit than to break one's self of it, and easier to make good resolutions than to keep them. Baby Wit. Frankie (aged 4)-Mamma, a lady at Did school she? kissed hope me you to-day. kissed Mamma, Frankie, indignantly- or back i No, I didn't; I kissed her cheek! "Minnie has been to see me, to-day," said a little 5-year-old, "and she behaved like a little "I hope you did, too," said her mother.

"Yes, indeed I did; I turned summersets for her on the bed." Grandma, reprovingly- What, way across the cake basket, Johnny! I was always taught to take the piece nearest me. Johnny Wisehead--But this piece would have been nearest me, grandma, if the cake basket had been turned the other way. The question arising in a Sundayschool 88 to why God created all the animals of the fields and sea and air before He created man, no one gave a solution of it until a little boy said. know; it's because He didn't want was the man, hanging around while He making 'em. A Sunday-school teacher was giving a lesson in Ruth.

She wanted to bring out kindness of Boas in commanding the reapers to drop large handfuls of wheat. "Now, children, she said, "Boaz did another nice thing for Ruth: can you tell me what it was?" "Married her said one of the boys. A little boy went lately to school for the first time, and on his return admitted that he had enjoyed himself, but declared vehemently that he should not go again. He seemed full of real terror, annd his mother judiciously waived question until the soothing and confidential hour of bedtime, when she extracted the explanation. It came out that the teacher had informed him! that he proposed to "put an idea into his head" the next morning.

The word "idea" was one he had never before heard, and he probably fancied it to be some new and formidable kind of edge tool--as indeed it is. Chief-Justice Marshall, John Marshall, the most eminent of the Chief- of the Supreme Court, was as simple as child. His manners were rustic, and he was too great to trouble himself about his dignity. Why, do you know," said a Virginia gentleman to a young man from Boston, "I have met Marshall carrying his dinner through the streets of Richmond in an open basket!" As this act did not seem degrading to the young man, who had often seen Boston merchants doing the same thing, the Virginian went further. "Yes, sir," he continued, with emphasis; "and I have seen that man creeping on his hands and knees, with a straw in his mouth!" The Bostonian WAS.

a little startled to hear this, of man who wore the silk gown of 'a Chief-Justice with such dignity. it But when he, knew the explanation, his admiration for the great lawyer was intensified. In those days, the game of was popular in the South, and Marshall was very fond of playing it. When disputes arose, as they did constantly, it was necessary to measure the distances of the quoits from the hub. As a straw was commonly at hand, it was used as the instrument of measuring.

Whatever Marshall did he did thoroughly. He shirked none of the duties of the and would as soon get down on his hands and knees to measure a quoit's distance from the as sit down on the court-bench. Once, while the Chief-Justice was returning from holding court in North Carolina, he became absorbed by some knotty question of Law. Suddenly he found hintself halted, by a small tree. which his careless driving had allowed to get between the front wheel and the body of his buggy.

Seeing a negro working in an adjoining field, he called to him. to bring an axe and out the tree down. "Massa," said the wiser black man, "der's no casion to out down dat tree; jist you back de buggy and you'll be all right." The Justice, -pleased at the good sense of the negro, felt in his pocket, but finding no silver, told him that the would leave him something at the tavern near by. When the negro applied, a dollar was handed him: "Do you know who left this dollar for you asked the landlord. "No, answered the negro; know he must be, a gentleman, case ho left the money, as he said, he.

would, but I think he is the biggest fool I ever saw." Youths' Companion. Go WITH mean people and you will think life is mean. Read a great anthor and the world is peopled with demigods, OHIO STATE NEW stave burned. Lose, The losses of business by the miners' strike in the Hocking Valley Aggregate 011,000. James Emith stepped on a piedo of buggy spoke at Milan, and fell, breaking his lea just above the ankle.

Torn Jones fell from a Abi Kenton, and was killed. had been 100 much. He loaves a family, -A. H. Barbers, pioneer resident and inent business of Bandusky, dropped dond from paralysis of the heart.

Judge Horace Foote, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Cleveland, died renidence on Nuclid avenue, at the nose of 80 years The Trustees of the. Institution for the Blind have submitted their (annual reportito the Governor, The enrollment, da 840- with a attendance of 184. The annual report of the Onto State 1 has been' submitted to the Governor While 16 do on not showies large an attendance formeris, the University in and prosperous condition Dr. John. of Dayton dated in preparing the Ohio, exhibit.

Philadelphia Exposition, has boon appointed to the State. Bohool preparing the Ohio school exhibit a New Orleans Exposition. The corrected footings show chat the tal, vote a ittle more In November than in October in this State. 16 was 780,915. in.

tober and 787,150 in November. The corrected, footings give Blaine 400,082: Cleveland, 366,380: St. John. 11,069: Butler, 5,1794 W. binok mare Kittie, which he has refused $2,000, runaway Akron kioked off both her hind feet, lutely running a distance of several blooks.on the stumps.

The horse was shot. She had not been handled, but easily made 2:40. -Clarke Dagin had too much Blaine's election, and as a ponalty wheeled a young Democratio friend, Thomas through the principal streets of the other afternoon, escorted by a martial band and bearing aloft on, a fishing. pole, Ad Democratic rooster. The Cleveland Rolling milt Company resumed work in all departments except in the soft steel mill.

Not since the strike: off 1876 has the mill run its full, The new move gives employment to, thirty hundred men, an increase of seventeen hundred over the force formerly employed -Lewis Trowbridge. of Chesterville. Aged about 60 years, who went. to. Mount.

Vernon to attend the Democratio met with a fatal accident. He: had got into, his buggy to return home, when the horse reared, up and overturned the vehicle, throwing Trowbridge out. At the same time the horse lost its balance, and falling upon the prostrate man, crushed in his breast. The injuries. caused almost instant death.

-General J. 8. Robinson announces officially the following clerical toro with which to take charge of the offipe of Secretary of State next January: Chief Clerk, W. 8. Walker, Springfield: Statistician, Henry cinnati: Stationery Clerk, P.

C. Robipson, Kenton; Corporation Clerk, Thomas MoFall, of Erie County; Recording Clock, Walter 8. Thomas, Delaware: Superintendent of dooument room, John R. Mulloy. Kadinger, young molder of Youngstown, received a dainty missive from lady making sin: appointment the other night.

When near the trysting place he received a shower of rotten eggs, completely ruining his fine suit and compelling hit to seek seclusion. Later, warrants were issued for three young men, who, it is alleged, had written the decoy note and, upon the viotim appearing, had given him a' Unless they leave the city, Eddinger threatens to make them candidates for the city hospital -Active arrangements are now in progress for the meeting of the Legislature on the first Monday In January. This year the session 18 an adjourned one. The officers are already solected, from President of the Senate and Speaker of the House to Sergeant and all there is to do is for the gavels to fall and to proceed with the order of business on the first day. There is an immense amount of business left over, and any amount of now legislation The most Important political measure will be the adoption of pro posed amendments to the State Constitution to be voted on next October.

-A sad accident occurred near Leipeto, the other night, in which a young lady lost her life, and a young man now. les at the point of death, The facts are about 88 follows: Two young men, brothers, by the name of John and Charley Conine, attended a literary tainment near Pleasant Grove, and while on the road home got to racing their horses. Charley, who, was accompanying Miss Payne home to. the dissatisfaction of his brother John, who was engaged to the lady and was to be married shortly, undertook to pass his brother, and in so doing the wheels of their buggies collided, throwing Charley and Miss Payne violently to the, ground, Miss Payne stalking the beck of her head against a. sharp rail, smashing in her skull, from which death vas instantaneous.

The fecal year of the: State olosed No vember 15. The balance in the General Revnue Fund on November 16, 1885, was 068.77. Receipts during the -year, receipts, including the balance, Balance in the Sinking Fund Novembor 16, 1888, $158,554.46: racelpta from taxes, balande, including the receipts, disburse November: 16, 1884, $81,317.84. State Common Sohool Fund: balance November 16, 1884. receipts, and balance, disbursem*nts, $1,609,574.50.

Total -receipts, including balances of the three funds, total balance in the treasury. The State has outstanding warrants on County Treasurers amounting to making the amount now in the State Treasury: $716,717.76. There bavo been some, extraordinary expenses this year. of the $70.000 appropriated for Cihcinnatt riot expenses. $54,000 has been paid, and $44,000 of the $46,000 appropriated for publishing the constitutional, nmendments.

There PULA was just $100,000 spent for the food sufferers. Last: year $125,000 was spent on the canals, and chis year. The State ofdelals are now very busy balancing their books for the year and getting ready for furnishing estimantes: to the Legislature for the needs and demands for next -When the news of the Anal count, and a vietory for, Cleveland reached Mead Township. near Bellaire, few of the faithful. got together to rejoice.

No cannon could be had, and Wm. Minks, an cocontrio farmer, took car-wheel, spiking one end of it and the vacuum with powder, then rammed a wad of wet paper on top. The fuse, was lighted, and when it went off the wheel burst. Several of the piec's struck Minke in the face, his jaw, putting one of tia eyes out and tearing the flesh on his nook in a harrible mannor. 'He will not recover; and the joy of the party was suddenly turned into mourning.

Minks has a wife and three children. hot id INDIANA STATE NEWS- Claude has retired from the Evansville Jourual, having, sold him, in that paper. -William Tirtle, of Rishvillo, was tostantkilled at Knightstown While drivng a wagon across the Panhandle track. -Patterson Tomlinson, dealers in tural implements at failed recent1y, the liabilitles $17.000. William Flak, 21 who was injured by the premature, discharge of 4 cannon at Rising Sun demonstration, has since died.

Fortner, a farmer of Noble Town. ship. Bush County, fell from a hayloft, breaka his hips and about all other bones of the pelvis. He will die. A old child of Levi Rushville, was playing around a sub of water when it accidentally toll into 10 and was drowned before assistance was at hand.

Lenion, Aged' 90, about Ave silos from ascidentally discharged a Tonded gun while hunting. the contents of a charge of No. 8 shot effect in his left thigh. Sheridan Barker and his brother, Reed Barker, nose Lon don. The wounded man's offense was shout Ina for Cleveland.

The ball passed entirely, through the young man's body. Sheridan, jailed at Shelby ville. Hendrioke la already paying the penalty of greatness, for the appliestions for on mendations to office ace, countiens. Ac cording to a long established rule of etiquette. prevailing at Washington, be will be permit ted to name the postmaster in this olty, where he resides.

-Henry Helgy, a boy aged 14 years, son of Henry Helgy, who resides near Now Albany, was shot to death. Ho and he brother, were out bunting rabbits and, had treed one In A hollow log. They laid down their guns to roll over the log, and while, thus engaged the gun was accidently discharged. -While slowing up for the crossing of the Nickel Plate, six miles east of Fort Wayne, A Wabash express train struck an open switch, and the engine and baggage car went down an embankment fifteen feat thigh. Engines Seidel applied the air brakes and jumped with his dreman.

The engine turned over. Nobody was badly hurt, In the rear conch wore Dion Boucicault and company. The New Albany City Council elected Captain Moses Jewin trustee, for the 000 of the $1,000,000 bonds indorsed, by the city for the Kentucky and Indiana, Beidge Company. The directors of the company bite terly opposed his selection, will enjoin him from taking big appointed a committee of three to employ legal counsel to the whole matter, including the guarantee of, the bonds, and the preliminaries to ON point to litigation on a large scale. serious freight wrook, took, plaop.

on Tuesday at Milford Junotion, the crossing of the Cincinnati, Wabash, and Michigan road. heavy freight, bound west, stopped on the crest of the hill, two miles east of the tion, cut in two, and. the engine ran down to the crossing: to. do switching. While thus ongaged, the rear- portion oft the train, which the hind brakeman could not desended the grade at si frightful speed and crashed into the locomotive- and cars, smagh.

ing six box-oars to kindling: and badly wreck ing the No one injured. -In the last few days a number of counterfeit bills have. been passed in Indianapolis, and considerable of the spurious. money has been; put into circulation. The counterfeit de on the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, and is.

easily detected by' the quality of the paper, whiph de without Abre, and has a greasy, appearance, although the reverse side is remarkably well printed and beats a very plausible resemblance to the rather genuine currency. The face of the bill de light and is somewhat dimly printed, So far as known Afteen of the spurious bills have been passed, the victims in most being suburban storekeepers, who have no cepted them in payment for small purchases and given change in return for most. of amount. The man who has been putting the counterfeit into 18 described ILS rather young and of good appearance. -The banking house of Hyatt, Lovings Co.

of Washington, bae failed. The other morning. at the opening hour. a notice pasted upon the front door announced that "Owing to a continued draw upon our assets, and not being able to collect, we have been forced to suspend, and have made an assignment to C. Billheimer and N.

G. The announcement created widespread consternation throughout that section, as the establishment was considered in plass condition and its stookholders thought to be. gilt edged. The institution was a private banking house, and a large part of the business men of Washington deposited with it. Mr.

J. C. one of the assigneos, states that the liabilities, will probably resoli $128,000, and' the estimated assets are about $100,000, if the figures of Mr. Hyatt, one of the members of the Arm, Are The individual members of the Arm are Mr. Elisha Hyatt, Hiram Hyatt, and Jared Levings; other are also I -Prof.

John T. Smith, a prominent Repull can of New Albany, was astonished a few days ago by receiving notion of his appointment to a $1,500 clerkship in the" War Department A correspondent met Meat Smith and asked him how he obtained the appointment and what he proposed to do about it. He said: is as much mystery to me as to you. never asked for the appointment. I suppose, though, it came under the Civil Service rules, Several months ago Soribner wrote requating that I prepare paper on Civil Service Reform, and' in order to write it intel ligently, I made some Inquiries In reference to the I found I could, get no information outside, and determined to get it inside: I saw a notice in the papers 'one day that the Commission 'at Louisville hold it session In that.

eity. on a cortatri day I applied for examination, solely for the pose of getting data for my. Soribner article, which I subsequently wrote. Sometime after the examination I from the Commiasion at Washington of any percentage and that I had been entered upon the list for an appointment. thought and heard HO more of It, considering It a more formal tics, until the notfoe of Appointment! in the War Office came.

I bave the matter der advisem*nt, bat it la if I as my business hero le of such a nature that I do not see how I can leave without The Federal omoors in Indianapolis, to which the eye of the Demooratic aspirant la particularly atreoted Include the Pension Agent. $5,000 per Collector of me, Postmaster and Distriot Marshal, $3,500 each: Distriot Attorney, $4,000, and Collector of Customs, -Under vice law Attorney Holstein; has nearly four years yet to runt Marshal Poster's term pires in July, 1885: Pension Agent November, 1805; Postmaster April 1885, and Customs Collector Lebaard Mr. 1885. Revenne Collector Meltay in to removal at any time by order of the Prostdent. THE 'LITTLE FOLKS.

The Hat Brigade, rat-a-tat-tat, and a rat-a-tat-tabl Did you ever hear musio so stirr pa as The chubby old tellowe are all on parado: For this is the march of the Fab Benzade With a And a tat tot John is the Genera and rides at the Sister has lent him a ribbon of red; He tios it aronnd for beantitnt He rides on a broomstick, and oute a 'big dastiWith And And A a EN -tattool is the Colonel, and that's very canters along on his papa now And his gay epaulets are pink motto papers, andi That wive wind an ho DEADOOS on pert With And a And a Jim But la his the horse Captain, 00 prankish that Jimmie and he gallope vexed: For he rides an umbrella that will mot stay shut, Though ho. lashes dis ribs with slash. and. cut With a ret -tat. And tat-tat-tattool Tom is Lieutenant but where is his horse? Alma! it was killed in the skirmish, of course as he can't ride, the walks to the battle, And on his men with a royal big rattles, With a And a rat-a-tat-tat, And a rat a tatJoe With is the of land sticks gayly and the tightest drummer he of: drums prince of the parchment: he's king of the tapa, And the horses and men keep time to the rapsWith a And a And a rat-a-tat-tat-tattoo! These are the boys who are never afraid Of biscuit foray, or a gingerbread raid, 'They clean the shelves clean where'er they tone beware the chiarge of the Fat BrigadeWith a rat-a-tat-tat, And a rat-a-tat-tat.

And a rat-a-tat-tat-tattoo! -Olive A. Wadsworth, in the Nursery. Plenty of Time. "Johnny," said Mr. Gray to his little son, "do you see that pile of brush and rubbish over there? I want to see that all cleared away to-day.

The brush you must -chop up into firewood for your mother, and the other rubbish must be gathered into a pile, and tonight you may have a bonfire." "Yes, answered Johnny, earelessly. He was building a miniature ship, and was wholly occupied with his masts and sails. "Remember to have it all done rode by to-night," said his father 48 he away. "That little bit of work won't keep me I'll just finish shaping this rudder, then I'll go at it," said Johnny, whittling awey. How fast the moments slip by when we are not thinking much about them! Johnny thought it would only take him a few moments to finish his rudder, and 80 it did, bat that finished, something else was begun, until Johnny was surprised to hear the bell ring for school.

"Did you chop the brush, Johnny?" asked his mother, as he' flew into the his books. dining, mother, I'll do it at noon. I'll have plenty of time," said Johnny, as hurried off. "But Johnny was unfortunate that morning. He had put off studying his just a few moments before his class WAS called.

The result WAS he missed and was kept in at noon to learn When he had recited it perfectly, after studying nearly all the noon spell, he found he had just twenty minutes left in which to go home, eat: his dinner, and go back to school. No time cutting brush, surely, but Iregret to say that Tohnny had not once thought of the brush since he left. home in the morning. That afternoon the boys had planned to go out in the woods after school to gather nuts. The girls, some of them, were going with them, and the hour for dismissal was eagerly waited for.

Johnny, ran home to leave his books and' ask his mother's permission. "Oh, mother!" he exolaimed, "the children are all going off to the woods to gather nute. going, too. I'll be back before dark." "But, Johnny, how about that pile of brush and rubbish? You know your father told you it must be done," said his mother. "Oh, mother, can't I do it to Ill have plenty of time do in it the all morning.

before get up, early, and school. Say, mother, won't that do?" But his mother shook her head as she answered "I fear it will not do to put it off, Johnny; you had: plenty of time to do it this morning, but you neglected to do so." Johnny knew it was no use to talk any further. So he threw down his hat and cont, stamped his foot, gritted his teeth, and commenced to Yes, he did all that, although he was eleven years old. by he heard the voices of his schoolmates, and he knew they would soon be along inquiring for him. He could not.

bear to meet them, 80 he just picked up his hat and ran into the garden and hid in the branches of the old apple tree. Johnny Gray! Johnny Gray! Ho, Johnny I' called Willie Short, the ring: Tender of the party Johnny, from hir, retreat, could see them, but he answered not a word. Very soon he saw them all talking and looking, then little Minnie Lee went tripping into the house a committee of one to look up the absentee. Mith. Gray, we're going after nuts, and, we want Johnny, was her message.

am very replied Mrs. Gray, "but Johnny can't possibly go to-day. His father has something for him to do which cannot be postponed." She did not tell that it was Johnny's own fault. So little Minnie went briskly out and told the result of her bad 1. It's mean, so it Mi.

Gray might put off his something, think and so the children talked 88 long as Johnny could hear them, then when they were well out of sight, he crept down out of his hiding place and went reluctantly to his work. It was not a hard task nor a tedious one, and it Johnny had worked with a will, he might have done it all in an But he was disappointed and out of humor, and so the work Ingged. Then he saw a rabbit run through the garden. won't take me long to catch MICHIG AFFAIRS: -The "Owl Re the fatost." -There are now 1,267 University. -Two Bay Oity boys are passing counterfeit money.

-Robert Orawford, one of Shia wassee County, aied -Hemlock bark has (last year's price) to $4.50, -The boring at feeling for oil or brine, in J. M. Fairchild, of his way to Key West, Abbot, of the tural "Society, will soon nation. -A skull and other being have been unearthed Springs, -The Justices are the next Legislature for their -Ea. -The American Angler, New York, devotes a deal tention to the fish, Michigan.

-The artesian well at Works is down 1,450 been working nearly the 100 feet in limestone. -Some worthless: have amused themselves. facing and overturning cemetery at Oxford, --Two stranger crooks other at Adrian, and were, police, together with a lar's tools, ether, revolvers, -A Flint doctor tells known and highly respected called upon him and body, the goods to be death, and used for dissection est of science, She was money, and left the price of the doctor. He says he purchase. -John Reyneier, National Hotel at Morley, were out hunting near while walking Indian file Julias gun in ward, the hammer, caught ing and discharging passed through his brother's knee, severing the main him to bleed to death." -A' tolegram from, Mt.

Frank a gentleman old, registering from. New very suddenly at the this afternoon about 5, was talking and laughing in the sitting-room of suddenly fell over stantly. He had been for rheumatic troubles His business has been bone minstrel man for supposed that his friends Ohio. Heart disease is the cause of his death. -About fifty owners of peninsula of Michigan Pacifio yesterday.

A. A. sided. In 1856 Congress in the building of two were never built and the sold. The sales made up to nearly 1,000,000 the Secretary of the decision to the which have at any time from the market by grants cannot afterward per acre until first put up It is said that the practice partnient has been to yithout publio auction, have been restored and Thus the Secretary's danger titles in every 'State been railroad grants.

A. F. B. Stockbridge, of man, was appointed to look este when the bill comes. gross this winter, Chicago Howith in Reports to the State Board by observers in different parts the diseases which caused Michigan during the week follows.

Number of Diseases in Order of Greatest Ares of Prevalence. 1 Rheumatism Neuralgia. Bronchitis I Consumption Intermittent Tonalities Influensa. Diarrhea. Remittent Typhoid fever (enterio).

of Diphtheria. Inflammation of bowels. fever. croup. Whooping Cholera Scarlet Inflammation of students at the under arrest for of the pioneers at Byron.

dropped from at Begin Ladington a which down 800 foot. Battle Creek, on in a canvas canoe. State -Agriculpresent his rosig- remains of a near getting ready to mid a bill of and, fuhing the Adttin Water Ther. drill has whole ofithe last wretch en wretches by wantonly degrave stones in the fell: out with each; nabbed, by the choice lot of: burgetas. of ay lady well in that city who wanted to bell her delivered after her in the hard up and needed to the judgment did not make the proprietor: of the and brother that place, and through the woods, hand, muzzle for-, on a bush, co*ckThe entire charge leg, below the artery, and causing Clemens says: about 58.

years York 'City, died National Hotel here o'clock. Deceased with some friends the hotel, when he expired almost intaking baths here for about week. that of a song and many years. It is live in Cleveland, thought to be land in the upper met at the Grand Carpenter, premade a grant to aid railroads. The ronde land was finally to 1880 amounted acres.

Recently Interior made effoot, that lauds been withdrawn reason. of railroad be sold at $1.25 at public auction. of the Land Derestore such lands and that most tracts subsequently sold. decision is said to where there 1 have committee, with Kalamazoo, as Chairafter their interup before ConHerald. Michigan.

of Health, Lansing, of the State show most sickness in ending Nov. 15, observers heard from, For the week ending Nov. 18 the that influenza, and. and that dysentery, era morbus, cholera infantum, inflammation bowels. remittent fever.

Intermittent fever, diphtheria scarlet fover, tonalitia, and cerebro-spinal meningitis in ares of prevalence At the State capital the prevailing winds during the week ending Nov. 15 were west: and, compared with the preceding week, the tempersture was higher, the absolute humidity was more, the relative humidity was the same, and the day and the night ozone were less Including reporte by regniar, observers and others, diphtheria was reported present during the week ending Nov. 15, and since, at 15 places, namely: Alton, Byron, Constantine, Detroit. Decatur, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Muskegon, Mendon, Portage, Portland, Vernon, Vergennes, WArren. and Wyandotte: scarlet fever at places Detroit, East Saginaw, London, Manistee, North Muskegon, Portland, Roxana, and Vicksburg: measles at 4 places- Grand Rapida, Kalamazoo, St.

Joseph, and Whitehall. HENBY B. BAKER, Secretary. A HAIR'S THICKNESS. A Michine in the A curious little machine in the office of the chief of the stamp burean of the Postoffice Department is the cause of the cancellation of the contract of the Now England firm with the Governmont for furnishing envelopes to the Postoflice Department.

It is a queerLooking contrivance a cross between set of butchers'. scales and ordinary grocer's' scales, or, a7 combination of the There is a larger dial, like the face of a clock, with the little hand that flies anound the face pointing to the figures at the side, which are are ranged like the on the olocks tape, with little dots between. see three dots?" said the charge, inquiringly. Well, bot ween those indicates thousandth of an down pretty fine, 162: tee this movable piece of iron which. comes down with a smootH this other solid purface? Well the raining or lowering of that mores pointer which runs round the dis Ta test the thickness on sheet of i pa we limply place it this movables piece and the solid, surface halons and.

when the movable piece oft iron. comes. down upon the paper, the handi registors the trued thickness of. the paper Delicate instrument? Well. should.

think so. Just give me hain: from your head, will you Then he took. so hair, and alipped. it deftly between the movable, pieces. The hand on.

the dial followed, the motions of the screw until. it. stopped. the figures 20. Just 20 16-1000the an inch in diameter, he "Now let mo try a hair.

from, your mustache. They are generally much larger, e8- pecially if you have been in the habit of shaving. He took up a pair of sore and clipped off. a hair from the mustache and placed, it in. position.

The hand stopped. at. 50. Fifty 16-, 1000ths of an inch thick. he said.

"That shows the: effect of shaving, measured a hair from the hand of gentleman a. few. minutes. ago which was 10 16-1000ths but those in his. mustache were precisely, the same thickness, the reason being that he had never shaved.

that is the machine that proved that the firm making our envelopes. was not fulfilling its contract, he said, as lie fell back admirthis. dial we can. see just the By this lever, which is very much. like a pair of grocer's scales, we can tell just what pressure the paper will.

stand. You see, we have two other movable pieces of iron here, with a hole entirely through both, and a plunger which passes through that Well, we put the paper between those pieces, which, when they are pressed together by this lever, hold it firmly. The plunger, which, passes through the opening in the two pieces of iron, encounters this paper thus firmly held, To know what the pressure is, we have the plunger attached to; a scale lever with a weight attached like an ordinary pair of soules, and, by moving this weight out along the lever until the paper breaks, of course we can see just what the weight is that made it break. See! Very simple after you understand it. Woll, that 18.

what the paper-makers thought after, they bad lost an $80,000 contract it." was a new thing to them, but, they knowledged that they, wore, beaten when they saw it. This delicate instrument, only cently invented, is a companion piece to the scales in the Assayer's office of the Treasury, by which the weight of hair is accurately tested. -Washington Post. A Private. Railroad Station.

"We made a singular discovery the other day," remarked an official of road running into Chicago A bout three miles beyond a certain station on our line there iss farm-house by the side lof the track. Just beyond the farmhouse is a littlo creek, over which there is a small bridge. Abont four years ago repairs, were made to that bridge, and, of course, the bridge gang on either side, up during the day or had to put a signboard Run 80 the bridge weakened. When they had finished their work, The they fact went in, off and forgot the signs. the boards had disappeared, and they didn't take the trouble to hunt them up.

"Some weeks afterward, no one knows just when, those. signs reappeared in. I their former places. Nobody' knew who put them there or what No body cared. It the section men noticed them' at all they thought the bridge men had done it.

It was none of the business why they were there it wan their duty to observe regulations, which required them to down at all such signs. Observe tions they did. For about four years not's train had passed over that little bridge without slowing almost to standstill. The culvert, for that's all it is, has been as safe as any part of the road-bed, and yet stopping and starting trains there has cost this company thousands of dollars. You know it costs money to stop and start trains.

"You are wondering how it all comes about, of, course. Well, that farmer stole those boards and put them again at his leisure. For four yours has been going into the town or coming from it on our trains, getting on or of as his own door. It was slick scheme, and how he must have laughed us and enjoyed it all the while. Bae is up now, and the engineer having their revenge by keeping tan infernal screeching of their, whistles stall hours of the day or night whenever they pass that firm hoube.

1 Chicago Herald. of Cool ode real dood beat an iF though we were through that rascally cashier, but it seems not What's the matter now, "He inoloses couple of dollars worth of postage stamps and tells me he can't use them over there, and wants the money con them immediately. Hal Street -Neros. Ir is much easier to And score of men- wise enough to discover the truth than to And one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition, to stand up for.

The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana (2024)
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