Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)

THE STATE JOURNAL', LANSING, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 193f cap, it Is well the people of the nation knew and LOW BRIDGE! CAN HE MAKE IT? understood as much. New York Day by Day The railroads ought to have a fair chance first and foremost because they must still be expected to serve. Until there Is wholly adequate replacement for the railroads, of an undoubted, permanent nature, the By O. O. McINTYRE Legislature Is Judged to Have Partly Failed Criticism, However, Does Not Appear Of Particularly Sharp Nature as Work Of Session Closes nation will do well to keep its railroads, and keep NEW YORK.

May 27 them in well being. Vivian Gordon garrotlng tossed The public will do well to realize that It has a re awl. Mate uiuoc ijuuy and so frequently hennaed Broadway women fictlonlsts call molls. As a sponsibility In the matter. That responsibility Is this: railroad rates are In a very large measure controlled by law, while rates of competitors are not controlled rule they are graduated out of the cheap cabarets to become "girls" of gangsters and other ne'er-do-wells of by law.

The control of railway rates was placed In response to public opinion and feeling perhaps more the under world. IThc State Journal FOPHDEP APRIL it. mi Published dall eicept Sunday, by The Btala Journal Co, I SorTl ho office. Grand Ae. at Otu.

St, taf. Mich. EPtorrd teeond clana matter at the poet olllca al Lanlnt, under Act of March 1. UTt. DSUYERED BT CARRICR IN LAN8INQ HD CAST fcANRINO IB PEIt yFAR M.00 w.ft, SHBOC1UPTION8 IN M1CHIOAM.

PATABLX I IN ADVANCE Nil MONTH -60 8IX MONTHS W.S I wn MOOTH8 ONE YEAR 40 I MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS OUTSIDE OF MICHIGAN PAYABLE IN ADVANCE OVr MONTH -1 SIX MONTHS tiM THREE MONTHS ONE YEAR 7.00 FOREIGN OFFICES i London Trafalgar Bulldmi. Northumberland avenue Parle ...10 Boulevard de Cepucuws. corner Place do 1 Opera I triiifi li Unter den Linden KitVinV Huntuns Rome Plana Magnanelll Roma dl Bpatnai MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS resolution ol the Eiecutlve Commiiw membere were directed to MP the lowing notice In the papere. th. therein to be publimej at th.

option I The" ASocUUd Prru 1 lulvel ontltled to the um lor wbUon of new. dup.tcb. credited to or not itherwlie credited In this paper end also the local nea pub'uhed therein. All rights of publication or special dls- I patches herein art alto reserved (July 1M.I. i PHONES Dial JUSl for all departments.

In calling. for desired "eparlrnent: Editorial Circulation, etc WEDNESDAY. May 27. 1931 VOLUME 77. NUMBER 28 in response to political feeling than to opinion.

They live on the mephltic fruits of Imogene Wilson, enmeshed in a blood red scandal of the White Way. changed her name to Mary Nolan and won a deserved meed of praise In the movies. But In every story Just as it happens in this paragraph the name Mary Nolan inspires an explanation her real name is Imogene Wil-. eon. Changing a name is often an oblique bid for the very publicity the gesture seeks to avoid.

A New York sophisticate in an essay speaks of: "That funny smelling stuff called fresh air." And the editor of the Dexter, Statesman coins this slmllie: "As busy as a mosquito in a nudist colony." Whatever was at basis, the money making power of soft money In prosperity and when the roads Is specifically held down by law. adversity comes, as It always does, they resort to the oldest profession to The proposal now Is that the railroads be allowed support some wastrel. Their "impor to increase their rates. Considerable is being said in the press and In the dlscussions'of those familiar with tant money comes from blackmail for which they are in league shyster lawyers. the problem of transportation.

It behooves the citizen to think whether he is about to be guided in the Before the murder of the Gordon matter by the usual hue and cry against railroads, or woman, it was estimated that Broadway philanderers were paying at least whether by solid considerations. million a year to extortionate de Never, it seems, was the stock of railroads and mands. Since then there has been a their bond securities so widely held as now. And slowing up of extortion. Faked breach 'T'HE verdict on the legislature, re-cently adjourned, is not yet delivered in its but some of the first flashes upon the result have been written.

Among some of the things said, mostly concerning the budget, are the following. Tlie Port Huron Times-Herald admits that It Is not easy to reduce. Concerning the legislative wrestle with the state budget it further remarks: "To retrench in that business Is no less serious than to retrench in any other Industry which is spending a year. And In times of general business depression the demands upon government are almost certain to increase rather than diminish. It might seem to be an easy enough matter for the legislators to refrain from making appropriations for certain of those activities.

But the problem is not as simple as that, as the Michigan legislature which has Just now adjourned has found out. When the state has once undertaken certain work and certain activities they may not be given up or discontinued suddenly without a good deal of disturbance to the business and social organizations of the commonwealth." The Grand Rapids Press calls the roll of legislative action, good, bad. and indifferent. In introduction of the list, which It calls the "score" It of promise suits dropped 75 percent. even where they are not in private hands, they are so placed that the worth of railway securities is of Such feminine types are confined first nana importance to a very, very great many American people.

There is the matter of life insur ancc. Never was life insurance so widely held, never almost exclusively to larger cities. As a rule they are faded cosmetically rehabilitated and expressing their forced gaiety of an abandoned mistress. And existing on the sugared crusts. did its importance and saving aspect come so down to the very grass roots of the nation as now.

What connection is there between railroading and The gangster's girl Is a bird of pas me insurance? Just this. Millions unon millions of The English literati is hailing Corey Ford as America's outstanding humorist and comparing him to their on Jerome K. Jerome. Ford was born in New York 29 years ago and wide from authoring a half dozen books his literary critiques under his pseudonym "John Riddcll" in Vanity Fair have blistered a number of literary lions. He is dapper, brighteyed and as guileless looking as a fresh water college freshman.

For several years I have, at intervals, received anonymous and vituperative comments about my work in typewriting distinguished by an upside down and a staggering J. It Invariably wound up advising me "to go back to Pelican Center, you moss back." After a few years In this hoop-dee-do scathing letters lose their sting. Yet I often wondered about the identity of this eplstoler. Today he called and revealed himself. I had written a fugitive, flattering line about his only daughter In professional work.

I do not know who was more sage and always on the wing. One week she may have an apartment in the money gathered by life insurance companies and the 70 's and the next in a shabby Tenderloin hotel. She gives the im pression of being "kept" by some well known man she probably doesn't know and Is constantly making vague references to him. neia for the security of widows and orphans are invested in railway securities. In fairness to pretty much everybody of the nation's rank and file, the railroads should be allowed rates that will permit them to return a fair dividend on their stock and so preserve the value of railroad securities.

It is not a problem of feathering the nest of someone in Wall Street, it is the problem of American firesides. It is Her talk is flinty and sparks with says: phrases from the underworld. By Considering its many opportunities hewing to the amorous line, the best she gets out of life is the temporary security of several months' lodging, the problem of restoring business. for errors, the legislature closing this week has played a fine game of ball. It Is doubtful whether any session has had more freak proposals, amateurish a few fancy frocks, cheap jewelry, and an occasional eye ringed in deep Get behind New Traffic Plan The city council members did a good Job.

at their meeting. Monday evening they passed the model traffic ordinance, 15 to 0. Citizens, generally, should express commendation to the body. Because the new traffic ordinance has been passed docs not mean that Lansing is right on the verge ol realizing ull it has sought in the way of traffic perfection. The new ordinance does not provide a traffic revolution.

It essentially provides a way to begin to build. The building that lies ahead Is the essential thing. It gives those who have a vision of better conditions a chance. The new ordinance has been called a model ordinance. That need not be taken to mean that It Is absolute perfection.

The term means that the new ordinance is compounded out of the up-to-date experience of our leading cities, and, then, by the burning of the midnight oil, and hard work, adaptation of the model to Lansing has been made. One great consideration that appears is that the new ordinance provides a way In which all the trading area about Lansing can be brought Into a considerable degree of uniformity as to traffic regulation. The new ordinance provides a basis lor traffic regulation in towns and cities within a circle of perhaps 100 miles of Lansing. Let us Invite our sister towns and cities to a basis of uniformity. If such co-operation can be had.

we will be, perhaps, the first similar area in the United States on a basis of traffic cooperation. It is an idea worth striving for. Under ly drawn, and poorly digested, dropped oover Digs for Hard pan Some fish may have gotten away during the last over its 'home plate' and supported by When arrested she poses as an "act really formidable fielding. Whether by sound instinct, by study, or for Lyrics of Life By Douglas Malloch trip of President Hoover and members of the post office department down to the Rapldan, but some reverure and the reasons matter less ress." And has numerous youthful pictures of herself for reporters. In the end almost invariably she becomes a haggard, bloated drug addict, more than likely to meet the tragic fate of than the results it has killed all of the worst of them.

In addition it has EVERYDAY QUESTIONS Answered by DR. S. PARKES ADM AS ON DOWN passed a half-dozen pieces of far- a Vivian Gordon. reaching constructive legislation, and The most persistent of the anonymous mail comes from Pass Christian, Texas. In a recent Javelin he philosophized: "When Christy Matthewson's arm lost its cunning he pitched with his head.

But what happens when both a writer's arm and head lose their cunning?" Which makes a sucker out of him. I've been practising gripping a pencil with my toes V. since I don't know when. (Copyright, McNTiught fndleata Tne.v I The matter came on through, on made about the usual number ol Top hole in picturesque expressions: confidence the time when the scope of a true1 religion will include the interpretations of a more complete science. Nashville, Tenn.

Which religion of all those now existing will ultimately absorb the others and become the faith of the human race 500 years from now? There are enormous difficulties involved in your query even when considered purely as a speculation. It has been estimated that five centuries from now the population of the world will have by then increased several fumbles." When a great critic saw the first sav The Battle Creek Enquirer-News In age paintings of Paul Gauguin, the French artist, he exclaimed: "Your Troy, N. Y. Is it not true that the discoveries of modern science have knocked the bottom out of religion? a portion of its estimate of the legis lature says in part as follows: foot is in the stirrup." ERTAINLY science has done much "The 56th legislature has "passed the buck' of economy to Governor for the Improvement of the race. Brucker, though perhaps unavoidably Convening amid demands and prom 'Washington Sidelights But that is no reason why we should surrender our souls to its keeping.

It cannot tell me why I prefer Bee times some investigators predicting it ises for economy and a reduction of nurti an arrangement, every driver would come to down. The president was out of town And so they gave it to a vice Who looked it over once or twice. And pressed a button, and its burr Brought in a certain manager, Who said, "Yes, I'll take care of this," And gave it to a certain miss To give the superintendent, who A foreman called to give it to, Who told a man in his employ. Who passed it to a certain boy. The boy looked up a certain shelf And packed and shipped the goods himself, And found the price and sent the bill, And earned a customer's goodwill In fact so much he promptly sent A letter to the president.

Now I don't blame the president. state expenditures, the net result of will reach as high as 35 billion souls, after which a gradual and prolonged the session is an Increase of realize that he was getting fair treatment because uniform treatment, everywhere within the area. By RODNEY DUTCHER thoven to Jazz or a Whistler etching to a daub given away with a pound of tea. decline will follow. Professor East of But the legislature cannot be held The new ordinance must now lie over for 30 days wholely responsible for its failure, Its inability in the realm of beauty.

Harvard also predicts that there will then be a hybrid mixture of races, and that the racial distinctions which though the opportunity was in its WASHINGTON, May 27 before It can become effective. In the meantime, hands. Other legislatures, with rare let the citizens of Lansing charge themselves to see thing like $53,000,000 was saved. That is to say the postal department thought it saw its way clear to effect that saving during the next two years. The saving' is not great when compared with the total cost of the federal government, but in the words of that familiar, worn phrase, "it is a step in the right direction." It comes, following a similar conference by the President, with heads of the war department.

At that conference the matter of dropping 53 useless army posts and forts was inaugurated. Evidently President Hoover intends to seek a saving in every department of government. In a year when the deficit between federal expenses and income will be something over a billion dollars, the savings President Hoover Is bringing about, dd not loom very large or consequential. But the realization that the limit of the upward trend of public expense has been reached Is more to the point. That realization could not be put.

off forever. The point of resistance had to enter sooner or later. Conditions have brought it now. The public is not yet of a disposition to abandon needed projects in government. That which is needful in city, state, and nation it will doubtless still support; but in according this support, it will do it with a good deal of circ*mspection.

That it will exact a careful looking to all the considerations involved with a view to having what is done, carefully done, seems likely. Up until the recent months, government and business alike were not. merely content with financing needed projects well, but there was a marked disposition to do pretty much everything, as it might be said, with a flourish. There was disposition to perfume the violet and gild the lily, as the expression HHE old high protective tariff tVnln, r- r- in. V.l rt TV! riot- today separate the human family will begin to slowly disappear.

exceptions, have fallen equally far short. Few have had the political courage to economize in the face of to it that the ordinance is not forgotten. When it becomes effective the work of making It serve will only have Just begun. perate straits than ever before and its enemies think they can knock it in the head before this depression is whether in sound or form, extends far and wide In other realms. Nevertheless, both science and religion have great realities to express.

Of course, for the mind which discerns no place for a creator and no destiny save annihilation for man, religion of any kind is a curious speculation and not a divine mystery unveiled by Ood It Is not within the ability of any one to forecast which of the numerous religions will survive these anticipated and other changes resulting the pressure brought to bear on them whenever the economizing was at of our automobiles and half a dozen big tilings like that. But we passed a law which has placed the average ad valorem up above 50 percent." Hull will try to persuade the democratic party to take a concrete stand on the tariff. The party must oppose special privileges consistently, he says, and the "citadel of special privilege" is the tarilf regardless of how much we may hear about the "power trust." "It should declare for a gradual, careful tariff revision downward to over. Or any hands through which it went, One of the essentials under the new ordinance Is that there shall be those on the traffic commission tempted." Anyway, this Is the best chance the And yet I sometimes wish, someway, free traders and advocates of moder heart and soul, enthusiastically pushing for better' That pleasant things that people say Tne Jackson Citizen-Patriot gives And pleasant things that people do ate duties have had and now that American foreign trade has dropped through our actual experience of its some credit to the legislature. It merits that may be effected under the plan.

For four and a half months there has been continuous pres Could also come on down, on through. grace and power. views the body as at least partially off about 50 percent they are intensi a Die. it says: But for me such thinking Is lira' sure, in the face of all sorts of discouragements, to fying the attempt to convince the a level of moderate, competitive rates." "While the 1931 legislature had romorrotu: Some Rain Must Fall (Copyright by Douglas Malloch) tlonal, unscientific, highly emotional and futile. Nor do I hold that man's get the new ordinance through.

Something of that kind of persistence and enthusiasm and vision needs he says, "with the aid of a fact-find many shortcomings, it deserves credit country that the Hawley-Smoot tar' iff is resopnsible for a lot of Its troubles. Meanwhile comes Chile's startling for showing good sense to keep away ing commission. It should also promise international trade treaties so that to be represented on the traffic commission. Let tis from the prohibition issue. At the last chief end is speculation for its own sake, but that he shall glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

This realiza therefrom. Nothing is so tenacious as religion, notwithstanding that its unification is delayed by the mutually exclusive claims of the various faiths. When in 1893 the World's Parliament of Religions met at Chicago nearly every representative delegated to that distinguished assembly asserted the complete superiority of his own creed over all others. Followers of Islam, of Buddha, of Israel and of Jesus declared In turn, and with sincere conviction, that their particular doctrines were or would become the ultimate beliefs of the world at large. As yet, however, even Christians cannot unite with each other.

A prom- all with enthusiasm and persistence make the most suggestion of a Latin-American cus of our opportunity. tion enables those who share it to live moment Detroit representatives sought to push through, a concurrent resolution urging modification of the federal prohibition law. But this effort City Hall Grouch By EARLE R. PITT we would have other countries get their rates down at the same time. Obviously, we must get the retaliatory rates of other countries scaled down as well as our own." in a God created and God controlled universe, for which there is no rea Will Public Pay for Radio? was squelched, as the Detroit men sonable explanation apart from the frank admission of His claim to every A little back talk now and then, is relished by might have anticipated.

And of all the moves dealing With prohibition fyHE grandson was askln' me last A night," said the Willing Juror to the Grouch, "if the United States service men can render. the best of men. It is not only relished, but if not suggested to the legislature, the reso "knocked toms union, following previous proposals for a European customs union. Any such developments, arraying continent against continent, would be bound to have a large although unpredictable effect on the future of our tariff and those of other nations. One of the greatest factors in American industrial progress has been our vast domestic trading area free of tariff walls; smaller countries on other continents envy us that.

Democrats Cite Trade Drop the So far from having goes. Pretty much everything that sounded well, and pretty much everything that could get some kind of Justification were authorized. Not all these matters so taken on were without merit. Indeed, most of them did have some merit, but they were setting up the had a national flower. lution calling on the federal govern' ment to take action was the most has 'inent Roman Catholic prelate of Great bottom out of religion" science 'I couldn't answer him for I'll be ife 3 lashes Britain recently informed his Prot' sonable.

If the sentiment in this state were strongly wet, such a reso hanged if I knowed whether we had a national flower or not. If we have estant brethren that fellowship between Catholics and Protestants was Impossible. The present situation tendency to go beyond the limit which even a rich nation could afford. lution would constitute a logical ex it's probably taxed by this time. presslon.

But the people of Michigan If he asks me again tonight I want The example set by President Hoover will doubt As the World Whirls I By The Associated Press). never have indicated at the polls that would accordingly seem to be pretty nigh hopeless for religious oneness. to be prepared. I don't want him to think his old grandpa is so ignorant. less have its effect all down through our scheme of No one can now settle the argu tney are opposed to prohibition." know that Scotland has the thistle government.

The example will bring about a dlspo Yet It is changing even now and the way Is being paved for a new ideal of ment as to the relative importance of the Hawley-Smcot act in America's The Kalamazoo Gazette of legisla sitlon on the part of the public to expect all officials. and Ireland the shamrock and Germany the cabbage, but I can't git no tive economy talk sums the situation economic troubles but everybody unity. The agency at work in bringing this about is the tremendous pres thus: enriched it and ennobled it, revealed Its stupendous necessity and its equally stupendous reality. To be sure, science has also relieved religion's formal expressions of a host of misunderstandings traceable to sheer ignorance. For this we are grateful.

But if you suppose that these changes In any way injured the essentials of faith, I assure you that Is a mistake. Men and women who believe in God and in the Christ of God are still strong in will to strive, to seek, to find and not to yield to any passing superstitions about science. Their faith rests on the revelation of God as the universal parent who is the soul and circumference of all that Is. In Him creatlonls spirit woven; knows that tariffs are barriers to further with national flowers. sure of life which Is fast relaxing, and 'Talk for instance such as was nre- trade.

The democratic publicity bu "I thought I'd sort of keep mum having to do with appropriations, to scan their rec ommendations with extreme care. Reasonable neces sity rather than allure will have to be the Justified' tlon. VVASHINGTON We' have some husky boys in the navy, and perhaps petty officers are quite vigorous in discipline. An order by the secretary of the navy, a yachtsman, says the use of holystones wears down the decks so rapidly that their repair rr replacement has become on Item ol reau has persistently hammered the until I asked you or somebody bright charge that a republican high tariff er. Have we a national flower? carried to noisy, wordy extremes, is also salutary.

One nt the defects of radio is that the listener is in no very effective position to talk back. If the public might react to radio programs more readily than they do, such circ*mstances would doubtless be of salutary effect. MaJ. Cen. Charles McK.

Saltzman, chairman of the federal radio commission, has recently been declaring that one of the most vexatious problems before the board concerns the character of programs. What he has to say reveals that the public does talk back to some degree. The radio commission, he states, gets a large volume of complaint. The burden of it seems to be that the advertising put out by a certain station, or stations, as named in the complaining letter. Is becoming The letter usually ends with "Why doesn't the federal radio commission do something about it?" General Salzman goes on to say that, after listening to some of the stations complained of, he finds awakened within him a strong bond of sympathy with the complainant.

But he explains that nothing In the act creating the commission gives it any power to censor communications or signals. And even if the commission could regulate what is said, it would still in some instances obliterating, denominational lines. Merger without compromise of conscience has actually begun and will was very largely responsible for the big Well," answered the Grouch, "sob erly, "we used to have the four leaf foreign trade drop. Republican politicians deny it and say the new tariff not cease. In numerous groups old expense which cannot be met under clover, but after the stock market Thinks 'Jazz Age' Ended valent for months past at Lansing, during one of the longest sessions of the state legislature ever held.

A good deal of it-was very wise talk, and there was a world of good Intentions put on display. And the result Is for the current year the highest state tax levy in the history of Michigan, with the levy for the succeeding year almost as high. Which will Interest, even if it does disappoint a people en crash of 1929. we had to hunt around has been helpful, if anything. Fonti' Well, well! Wha' d' y' know, wha' d' y' know? limited appropriations.

Therefore the practice has been abolished except for the purpose of removing stains for something more lucky but appro cal exigencies demand that both groups of politicians say what they are P. Scott Fitzgerald, "discoverer" of the flapper priate. quarrels have lost any interest they once had. New ones are choked off by the cry: "Behold how good and how pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell together!" As for your particular question, hu such as grease and paint. No longer thought and sense, spirit and matter 'For 11 years, or during such time saying.

as we have been shootin' each other and some other manifestations of the last 10 years, declares the "Jazz age" has ended. That it lasted 10 years and came to an end with the stock market de Nevertheless, It has to be poimea out In fairness that opponents of the couraged by promises to anticipate re- Hawley-Smoot act predicted In ad are reconciled. Thus believing, God for them Is no longer a hidden Deity, nor yet a vague, shadowy impersonal force. He is seen In everything and everything in Him; all that exists. cline.

In the back and runnin' cities with racketeers, to prove a noble experiment, we might say the national flower is the plzen ivy blossom. Important if true. The "Jazz age" may have ended will holystones be used Just for scrubbing purposes by an able seaiaan who has given a chief some back taHL tJEDENHURST, England Tired of school teaching. Miss Margaret Price has become an auctioneer having passed the examination of the auctioneers and real estate institute with honors. vance that it would wreck foreign trade and that its friends recommended it as a measure to restore prosperity.

A thousand economists Joined manly speaking it is unanswerable, except to say that the ultimate religion will be the one which has the noblest ideals and whose adherents sacrifice the most for them. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I personally irencnment in tne form of greatly reduced expenditures; the one and only method that ever has reduced tax levies. Governor Brucker's 'blue pencil' remains -the only hore." but the effects are not. Some values the race had 'But it ain t. Since prohibition existing only by the communication of I'll bet St.

Peter don't open the gate His exhaustless being; all that has in been building for ages were thrown away in a puff. Some of the bad effects of the last decade will pot for the sin we have unconscioilsly in a warning against it and congress merely sneered at "professors." Sena have a difficult problem. The broadcasting stations telligence having it only by derivation from His sovereign reason; all that The Muskegon Chronicle admit am convinced that He will yet lead all lived down in 500 years. but not legally or formally, adopted the humble dandelion blossom as the national flower. tor Jim Watson, republican floor Jead men to the Father, and have spiritual acts acting only from the Impulse of themselves are doubtless having a difficult problem.

They are costly affairs, they must live. So-called the legislature did some routine work er, predicted as the tariff bill passed His supreme activity. So believing Jews and Christians may await with The census bureau says that the nouulatlon of dominion over their affairs. (Copyright, New York Tribune. Inc.) It Is so common and so pritty It that the country would be on tne UP' Dut or tne great problems before the state it remarks as follows: just seems to grow for poor folks Michigan is 96 percent white.

It probablv means on erade within 30 days and that we Tne 1931 session of the Mlrhiirnn advertising appears to be about their only source of revenue. The advertiser naturally desires his money's worth. The point of the wholo matter is that the advertiser does not get his money's worth, but there Saturday night, after the bath. who can buy sugar in bulk but haven't the price for pre-war stuff. would soon regain the peak of pros-Deritv.

As Drognosticators, the ene legislature nas come to an end. It 7MEW YORK Capt. Fritz Kruse of the steamship Resolute, who has been around the world 11 times as master, has a homeward-bound pennant, 165 feet long flying from the main truck. With each additional cruise he adds 15 feet. met iour and a half months turn 'Everybody is pickin the dandelion mies of high tariffs have since had all Thomas A.

Edison has Just suffered acid burns to The World and All confronting some of the most impor right now and not for bouquets eith- is no quick way lor him to find it out. As was said at the breaks. his hands, thus illustrating anew that it is quite lm- It is the most popular flower we Senator Cordell Hull of Tennessee. the outset of this brief discussion, if radio only Dro possmie to eradicate ruling habits with old age. tant questions oi many years.

It is going home with none of them answered. That, bluntly, is the work of a fiscal zenius who can be depended vlded for some quick reflex of what the public is got, neighbor, and is a gracious provision of Providence which enables the By CHARLES B. DRISCOLL on to speak as an economist rather imr.King, it would be all the better for it. Washington is to have an official especially charged poor man to have stimulants without than as a democrat, was predicting six the 1931 legislature. It has passed a good deal of legislation, good, bad and indifferent.

But the big state Issues Some radio advertising can be effective, but it has patronizin' the boot-legger. years ago that our high tariffs would with formal ceremonies. Formal ceremonies is one business in which depression does not make a dent. PORT MYERS, Fla. Thomas A.

Edison is wearing bandages on his fingers from acid burns received in his rubber experiments. This Is his explanation: "Got hold of a bottle with the wrong label." ly a symposium of articles by various If the dandelion ain't our na to be of a subtle nature, scarcely realized as adver are just arout wnere thev were hefnre Wul Wilklns Make It? VVTLL Ellsworth, Dananhower and Wilklns succeed In crossing over the top of the earth under the Ice The governor has declarer! a nuno "reduce production, diminisn traae, impoverish nations and promote economic wars." Introduced Income Tax tislng. Sometimes such advertising is heard upon the air but very seldom. Doubtless a very great number of radio listeners are not highly discriminating. If tional flower, it should be.

And I rise to a pint of order and offer a resolution that it be so designated and embossed on the national emblems with to call the solons back to finish their persons connected with the expedition. Wilklns has been criticized for publishing a book about his trip under the pole before the trip has been made. Don't worry, critics; he'll write another one when he comes back, if YESTERDAYS IN LANSING Taken from the Files of The Lansing Btale Journal joo Dy nnuing a way out of the taxation crisis. But there is there is a noise going on they are apparently perfect the great, screamln" American eagle ASHINGTON chief Justice Hughes is giving up golf for the same reason that many others have and perhaps for the samj length of which has let enough things be put pect that body will be any better prepared to give the answer In a special and when. over on him that we ought to class Hull has talked like that all along.

When he came to congress 25 years ago Joe Cannon put him on a couple of unimportant committees, but Hull turned deliberately to intensive study of revenue, finance and economics. from Spitsbergen to Alaska? I think they have a fifty-fifty chance of success but my opinion Isn't worth much. Such confidence as I have In the project is based upon my knowledge of Simon Lake, who invented and built the submarine Nautilus and all CITY council votes to allow Morlok family, including recently born quadruplets, rent-free home I like the idea of the pre-success acsaiun man re was in tne him with the day-sleepin' owl." time. He has been uneble to hit the ly content. But it may be doubted if the consumers of mere clatter provide a particularly fertile field for subtlety in radio advertising.

Any advertising that attempts to thrust itself upon the person whether interested or not is poor advertising. Isn't it time the book. It gives the interested person owned by city for period of year. William Pratt. a fine general survey of what's to be ball as well as he likes.

At present he is taking brisk walks instead. PLANTS GROW ON WATER East Lansing. Is chosen editor of the Michigan State attempted and why. And if the college yearbook. Members of board of education re Nautilus doesn't come back, we at radio listening public began to tliink about paying for least have a book.

Wayside Pickups By EARLE R. PITT what it gets? TONDON Titled beauties of "the present will represent famous beauties of the past at a charity hall Its Important machinery. Lake apparently hasn't the faintest doubt that the enterprise will succeed. He has done a wonderful piece of work. ceive summons to appear in hearing of "frat" case involving 38 Central high school students.

George Sex? ton is honored by Lansing Lodge ONE TEAK AGO Whether this expedition succeeds or next month. Princess Otto Von Bis fails, I think the idea of undersea "TJANK" ROUSE, famous northern Railroads Are Fireside Problem The first stretch of railroad ever commercially op commerce across the icy top of the There Is a very Important feature of world is sound and will eventually be marck will be Helen of Troy. The Honorable Mrs. John Barren end the Honorable Margaret Hore-Ruthven, twins, will be the Countess of Coventry and the duch*ess of Hamilton, this venture which we are apt to come as commonplace as traffic Michigan guide and guardian of the tenderfeet who are camp novices, has found his teeth. "Hank," known to scores of Lansing tourists, lost his No.

33. P. ic A. as being oldest Mason in city Dr. Fred Ingvoldstad Is principal speaker at gathering.

Largest rotogravure section ever Issued in Lansing is published with today's regular edition of The State Journal. overlook. This Is the hands-across- through the Panama canal. TREATED WITH CL0RINE URBANA, May 27 Plants stand the chlorine disinfectant In their drinking water as well as humans. Tests proving this are reported to the American Association for the Advancement of Science by F.

F. Wein-ard, of the University of Illinois, and Paul R. Krone, of Michigan State college. Florists recently asked for this information. The plants stand up to 10 parts of chlorine per million of water without damage.

rated in the United States by means of a steam locomotive was abandoned the other day. It ran from Carbondale, to Honesdale, N. to connect with the Delaware and Hudson canal. The road was built the-sea gesture of the Americans who factory-made chewers, but has found are making the attempt possible. bo many thousands of miles can be saved by crossing over the top of Asia and Europe, for instance, instead Wilklns, a British subject, could them again and once more is showing Lansing novices how to Fletcherize to get anthracite coal to New York.

of going south through the Suez canal not obtain any sort of support or UOLLYWOOD, Calif The latest Idea for movie theaters is a lloor GOV. ALEX J. GROESBECK appoints L. T. Hands insurance commissioner to succeed Judge Frank He Introduced the bill for the income and estate taxes, when everyone was convinced that Income tax was dead because the supreme court had once called It unconstitutional.

The taxation system devised by Hull, put through in the first Wilson administration, largely financed the war. Allowing for the real value of the dollar, Hull, says, our foreign trade la now back at the 1913 level. He has held consistently that all that made it look big after the war, When handi-caped'by the Fordncy-McCumber tariff, was the great automobile export trade and the fact that we were lending 15 billion dollars abroad which we were paid for with our own goods. "One-sixth of our automobiles and parts, worth $580,000,000, were being exported," Hull says. "The industry was one of the big railroad shippers.

It took 18 percent of the Iron and steel, 60 percent of the plate glass. 90 percent of our manufactured rubber, most of the oil and gasoline and laid the foundation for our great highway systems bv enabling states to lay gas assistance for bis scheme in Eng The road was built Just a few years more than tnas a large pari or tne commerce scientifically a fresh-caught trout cooked over one of Rouse's famous slanted upward toward the screen so land. He came to America as Co between Liverpool and Tokyo Is sure a century ago. Have the railroads of the nation out H. Euswortn.

Paul watzei or Lansing is elected folks In front seats need not bend lumbus went to Spain, looking for to taxe tnat route when Its practica lived their usefulness in a century? If they have. camp fires. Dr. H. H.

DeVries, one of the tour to membership in Sigma Delta Chi. Sheridan F. Master resigns as assistant attorney general. Veterans of bility is demonstrated. And I suspect an angel.

Columbus found Isabella and made his venture into the west. their heads back. The suggestion was made to the Society of Motion Picture Engineers by Ben Schlander, that much commerce between New they will have to go. But, if they do have to go to the scrap heap, a whole lot of folks other than railway Wilklns found Lake and Danenhower ists recently under Hank's care, missed two days of fishing because of his York and Alaska will develoD when Civil, Spanish-American, and World TEN YEARS wars participate in "Wars of Past" theater architect. and Ellsworth and many other angels, presidents and managers will get their fingers pinched.

the under-ice route over the top of the continent has been properly pio and is off on his venture northward. AGO meeting of Lansing Rotary club. A. P. Wilcox, well known Lansing con It Happened Back in 1881 It Is well enough for citizens, pretty generally, to re Use this.

Wales The Prince of Vwales is "the outstanding bagman neered. The submarine boat which this British subject is talcing to the north of the day," in the words of Lord I'm wishing the Nautilus success. ern ice is furnished by and is property tractor, dies at age or 62. Work on sidings for new Durant plan west of city is begun. Dr.

R. Clyde Ford of Michigan State Normal college is speaker at ses The first stretch of railroad petitioned for abandonment because it is paralleled with bus lines. or uie united States navy. It is there partly for the sake of the daring pio Mayor Snook as expressed In a speech to the Commercial Travelers' neers wno are going north in her. Well, If the bus lines are on a permanent, duly cap sion of Michigan Pioneer and Historical association.

fore commanded by an American, Danenhower. It was designed and built for the navy by Lake, and reconditioned for the polar trip by Lake, and partly for the sake of the unemployed who ought to be at work charitable act of helping Hank hunt for the lost teeth. The teeth were finally found half buried in the mud on a camp trail. The teeth had been "run over" by a small truck but were none the worse for this disheartening experience. "Doc" claims he found the teeth by the light of a lantern.

At first, "doc" says, he thought he had stumbled on a pearl necklace as the store teeth were shining bright and sassy by the dim lantern light. Hank's teeth are the nice, shiny kind which, when ad-Justed, make one appear to be wear ltalized basis, if they have all the elements of perpetuity, if they are making due charges for replace oline taxes. It employed about four DR.C.L BARBER, president of the National Supply company, leaves for Chicago to try to ar building great cargo-carrying submarines for the top-of-the-world ment, if they are paying Interest on the Investment, DDMOR that Lansing house would close was denied by Con Mal-lory, proprietor. Over 250,000 copies of revised New Testament were sold In one day. Excitement in Greece was increasing Christians were forming Into brotherhoods.

range for re -organization of concern. Work of and If they are returning a profit that Justifies in' and a half million people, directly and Indirectly, and spent about six billion dollars a year. Points to Foreign Reprisals OS ANGELES Lynn Htlltktr Is with that confounded automobile of his. It wouldn't start. In trying to make It go he wore out the battery.

Use of the crank was of no avail. Lynn hurled the crank through fitting the Downey hotel with new plumbing through vestment In them and are giving all the service the an American. Ellsworth, another American, Is presumably furnishing much of the financial backing of the venture. Yet Wilklns properly gets much of the credit for the project. His Is the name most frequently heard in routes.

(Copyright, McNaught Syndicate Inc.) Tailor Unions Merge out at tv cost of $10,000 Is started by W. W. Armstrong. old roads gave, then, all the sympathy In the world "You see what happened when other TTka at nubile drinlrinir cuna nn rail- will not avail to save the railroad. TWENTY-FIVE road trains Is prohibited.

Demand tne winasnieia ana then set the car He was" arrested on suspicion of arson. connection wltn the voyage. He de This particular Instance Is worthy of note, because it typifies a problem now before the people of the vrii, ifu, for carpenters, even at attractive serves credit as the promoter of the wage rates of 30 to 30 cents an hour. Group of "old soakers" paraded Marshall street when unable to get liquor there on Sunday. countries deliberately followed our example and our automobile and allied industries were stricken.

The biggest thing to remember Is that we could not afford to throw away our foreign markets the 60 percent of our raw cotton which we exported, the 25 enterprise. United States. If there are no longer economic Justifications for the railroads, they will have to go, no ing a celluloid collar on the upper Jaw. To repay Doc for his trouble, Mr. Rouse, the guide, threw, away the canned soup and cooked Doc a real breakfast of flapjacks, trout, and bacon.

Until the teeth were found Hank had kept Dr. DeVrlcs, it is LONDON, (fP) Forming one of Britain's largest trades unions, three groups In the tailoring Industry will merge January I. 1932. into one union to be known as the National Union of Tailor and Garment Workers. It will have 100,000 members.

I've been reading the book "Under far exceeds supply here building activity is at high pitch, 300 houses being in process of erection here. Women's Relief corps presents large American flag to the Church of Our Father. The interior of the earth is now photographed. A complex instrument, lowered into oil well borings, takes pictures showing II drill Is the North Pole." published by Brewer matter who gets hurt. But if they still do have Just! ficatlon, but are merely under hard and fast hand! said, on the same soup diet he himself was compelled to eat.

percent of our wheat, the 17 percent under the Wilklns by-line. 'It is real.

Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.