Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)

THE STATE JOURNAL, LANSING, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1931 REAL 'SIGNS' OF SPRING WE HOPE TO SEE! The State Journal FOPWPgp Ami. MM New York Day by Day By O. O. McINTYRK from lt home office. Orand Are.

at OUi Lanslnc. eU" at tlie poet offtc at Lansing, tinder Act of March 1. int. Suggested Tax On Incomes in State Debated Papers Aak ta Know of Details and Of Effects Likely to Follow NEW YORK, March 25 DKUVUUCO BT CARRIER IN LANBINO AND AST LANaiNO 10 PER TIAB. ROADWAY' is filled with "one idea" boys.

They are the lads who HAIL BTTBSCRirnottS IN have written a single successful play, song or movie scenario, and ride the I top wave to quick oblivion. They have The late and talented George Randolph Chester is an illustration. His "Get Rich Quick WalUngford" became a frank ens te in. The public would not peramlt the versatile Chester to write anything else. Suddenly Walllnpford and his side kick, Blackle Daw lost their appeal.

Chester, baffled, believed he was through. a a After a long period in a shabby MONTH BIX MONTHS tl.M Luckily not all automobile accidents are fatal. The authority quoted above reports that there were 835.000 automobile accidents in the United States during 1930. But while happily they are not all fatal, yet they are bone breaking and highly abrasive of In the 835,000 accidents In the year 063,000 were Injured. Doubtless some of this number might better have died.

The total of 863,000 perhaps does not affect our understanding much differently than would 400,000 or 600,000 and so on. But at the rate at which injuries are Increasing we will soon be able to say, in arresting round numbers, "there were a million people hurt in automobile accidents last year." When we get past the million mark In automobile injuries, we may have to take notice even though it irks us to do so. The number of Americans, officers and men, killed is battle In the World war was 37.541. The number wounded but not mortally was 183.633. Our grand total of casualties, killed, died of wounds, and wounded in battle action was 333.097.

Yet the total automobile casualties in 1930. killed and wounded, mounts up to 994,500. when do the automobile users get their bonus? brief hour: then clutch at lame MONTHS tlM ONB TEAR HH again from the sidelines. But always miss. i aTUBBCRlmONS OUTBID! OP MICHIGAN Payable tm inviHrv 'T'HE legislature is showing symptoms of offering another income tax.

The press of Michigan is beglninng to take notice of the possibility. Beside reference to an income tax referendum there is discussion of the pending referendum on the death penalty They rarely come back. When they gWB MONTH BIX MONTHS i mjn Inm n.n ONI TEAR S7.M crypt of loneliness he went to the edi put over their idea and move out or a rooming house to a de luxe hotel the army of parasites are waiting. For every pioneer blazing the new trail there are a thousand gleaners. And like the Northwest Mounted, usually measure.

The Pontiac Press concerning a pos ORXIQN OFFICIS Londoa Trafaltar Building; Northumberland avenue rani 10 Boulevard dea Capuclaee, corner PUca da I'Opera erlin j4 rjnUr den Linden 'Pint 1 Hl La Hunlung Roma Plana Mesnanelll Roma (Plana dl Spafnal sible Income tax measure says: tor of a weekly magazine and asked an advance against going to Europe to write travel articles. Knowing the habits of writers, the editor asked him to try several fiction stories with an entirely new character before departing. "Then Til fix your advance," he "When, if ever, this tax proposal get their man." I know a half hundred young men receives legislative sanction, It should state more definitely what manner of tax would be Imposed if a legislature said. were given this blanket authority. who dazzled the town with some particular brilliancy and came to a sudden full stop.

Instead of carrying cn they succumbed to the flattery of the sychophants and idled precious hours along the primrose path. Would it tax gross Incomes and how much? Would there be exemptions as MBMBERS OP THB ASSOCIATED PRSSS reaolutlon of toe Esecatlire Committee member! vara directed to keep the follovina notice tundlot In tiie papera. the aecond aantenca therein to be published at tha option of membere. Tha Auocleted Prru la entitled to the use tor republication of all newt dupetcnoa credited to It, or not otherwise rredlted In thlt paper and alao the local neva published therein. All rights of publication or apeclal dispatches terein ara alto reserved.

(July 1IJ7I. PHOHIB Dial JHSI for all departments. In eaUlnf. aak tor deelred department: Editorial. Advertlslas.

Circulation, etc Broadway loves to elevate its idols. in the rederal Income tax? To what extent could the tax be raised? Would it permit of such a levy as In England where Industry Is being stifled by an squeeze them dry and behold their clay feet. For the newcomer to "im income tax or luce that In Wisconsin portant money," the blandishments where factories were driven out of the WEDNESDAY. MARCH 25. 1931 state by the same method.

AU these are difficult to resist. In the first fiush of celebrity they are besieged by the fab: weather friskers. things and more the Michigan electorate will want to know before it will VOLUME 76, NUMBER 314 Head-waiters bestow their most give to any legislature such an unlim sweeping bows. They are given the ited authority." best tables in the cares. Masters oi ceremony introduce them.

Light lad a a a The Flint Journal deals with an in les flirt outrageously, parties gaiore. Headaches. And then one day a check come tax possibility in part as follows: "me voters have shown rather comes bouncing back. So. a little burned out, they try clearly on two occasions what their attitude is toward this proposal.

In a Chester locked himself in a hotel room for six weeks and in that time wrote six stories about the motion picture business. They proved immediate hits more amazingly successful than the Walllngford tales. But Chester died suddenly Just as he was again swamped with magazine orders, a a When Michael Arlen "Mike" to his cronies made his first visit to America seven years ago he was bewildered by his own literary achievement. He blushed and stammered when called upon to speak and seemed otherwise miserable. His recent trip revealed him as urbane as any of his Mayfair characters.

He spoke over the radio, appeared in the news talkies and at banquets with perfect complacence. a a Young swanks are sporting dull gray shirts and collars to match with black neckties and black handkerchiefs. Also solid black suits are a vogue. The only display of color is in hosiery. They are black circled with small colored stripes.

Clocking is out of date. And socks almost to the knees are the berries. www "New York," says a Tulsa newspaper, "is to have a male fashion show. We hope to identify the correspondent Mclntyre if they news-picture the event." Just look for the fellow wearing the latest wrong thing I (Copyright. McNaught Syndicate.

Inc. again. But the race as usual is to the swift. One success means nothing on Broadway. To achieve permanency one 1922 and in 1924 the principle was re jected at the polls.

Perhaps it will take must Dile them uu over a stretch oi a third vote to convince everyone that years. And stand by valiantly to hold this method of securing state revenues is not popular. We have only to ob place In the sun. Nizhtlv in the speakeasies are me serve the workings of state Income rainbow chasers, growing shabbier taxes in states which already have them to be convinced that the plan Belated Cheer for Young Teddy Young Teddy Roosevelt and a Jammed finger may not seem to fall into the same text. However, let us notice.

An Investigator from an eastern university was out west and had some Indians for guides to some fossil remains or other that were to be investigated. About ready for the start, the investigator Jammed his finger on a saddle buckle and Immediately stuck the injured member in his mouth. "Why white man stick hurt finger in mouth?" asked an Indian. The white man did not know except that it was "perfectly On second thought he concluded that the warm, moist mouth was nature's ready poultice. But, come to find out.

no Indian, of whatever tribe yet investigated, sticks a bruised finger in his mouth. The investigator goes on to say that a great many things that some of us regard as "perfectly natural" are not so at all. It might be said 'that when a young man, son of an illustrious father, gets started in politics, but suffers a turndown, with little hope of a comeback, it Is perfectly natural to quit the political job entirely. When a young man gets job as administrator of a distant island, some popular applause going with the appointment for a few days, and then ceasing altogether, some would say that the young man, out of sight and out of mind, would merely settle down on the Job, a rather hopeless appearing job. and merely draw his pay and let the rest of the world go by.

Many would say that was human nature, perfectly natural. But the visit of President Hoover to Porto Rico brings Young Teddy once more into notice. He is worthy a look. President Hoover in his speech yesterday distinctly complimented Young Teddy on his efforts for diversification of the industries of the Island. There is a deal more on which Theodore Roosevelt and his good wife deserved to be complimented.

The young man has been leading the "strenuous life" phrase reminiscent of another day ever since he landed in Porto Rico. With no one looking, with apparently no hope of particular reward save a job well done, and human contains dangerous possibilities which should be adequately understood be each day. With a few free drinks they will tell you of the days when they were the fair-haired boys. And Broadway will listen but it will also smile a very discreet "Yeah?" fore Michigan ventures into this field. Lyrics of Life By Douglas Malloch We need but little Investigation to find our own market, nor quench the voice of genuine prophecy, the time is for a careful examination of the personnel, the scope and the functions of the pulpit.

how capital has fled from states with www Manv writers, too, have been vic EVERYDAY QUESTIONS Answered by DR. S. PARKES CADMAN income taxes. Michigan's future lies In attracting capital to this state. But TO A BIGGER FOOL tims of the "one idea." They do not chancre their Dace, and they ride a this never can be done by penalizing it." character or a plot to a fall.

One of the crpatest disasters for a writer is to a a Of those I greet with gratitude, A truly thankful attitude, A glory be for thatitude. have a character make such a definite The Kalamazoo Gazette deals with hit that the public wants nothing else. Of all the men I see. the death penalty referendum thus: 'Owing to the very nature of the No matter of what clan he is, If white or black or tan he is, I like the best the man who is proposition it sets forth, Michigan's referendum on the death penalty next The Proxy Trick Not So Good The Indication Is that a trick was attempted at the recent meeting of the republican state central committee. In Lansing, with the intent to give the holder of an unauthorized proxy a vote on the committee.

The circ*mstance. If It turns out to be true, and it already has some color of truth, is to say the least, disquieting. Michigan does not want the kind of politics that sort of thing represents. The trick seems to have been to send a forged telegram purporting to be from a member of the committee, not present, authorizing the receiver of the telegram to exercise the proxy. Practice of loosely transmitting proxies in times past, it is stated, has been countenanced on occasions when no controversy was involved.

In the absence of controversy there naturally would be no questioning of such practice, and so it may have seemed easy to put the trick over when there was a sharpness of division. The proxy was ruled out, and no untoward circ*mstance arose. But the disposition to fraud in matters political appears to have been shown. It is that aspect of the matter that will be highly distasteful to the state. Politics at best has Its reputation for sharpness.

Perhaps a deal of adroitness in behalf of conflicting interests has to be expected. But, even granted as much, there come lines of demarcation over which not even smart politics may step. Besides being an instance calling for public censure, the incident may well serve as reminder of the worth of employing strictness of practice in such matters. Proxies should be in every way fully authenticated. Hereafter there should be full Insistence on written, signed and witnessed signature, the service of a notary being called into requisition.

Looseness of practice in matters where there should always be strictness leads naturally to the imposition of tricky procedure when occasion arises. So it is best, even when there is no sharp controversy, that procedure be always strictly complied with. Already there has been considerable investigation with purpose to find the perpetrator of the trick. It would doubtless be of salutary effect if further Investigation resulted in revealing the source behind the bogus telegram. Michigan cannot afford to see its political practices run down at the heel.

Michigan has had her sharp political battles and will doubtless continue to have, but, take the situation all in all, there has not been much stench in our political affairs. May it continue to be kept out. Charleston, W. Va. How do you account for the fact that the average sermon is a dull performance? I go to church regularly and it boret me to the limit to listen to the preaching.

What do you think of this Condi-Won of affairs? Washington Sidelights A bigger fool than me. month will probably be decided large www My husband and I have been married 10 years. I am 2t and he is 31. We have two daughters, the older being nine. My husband has always more or lea cheated on me.

I recently learned that he is carrying on a desperate affair with a 22-year-old girl, whom I have tried to convince that there is no real happiness in store for her. But it was useless. I have told my husband that I will divorce him if he makes a settlement to support the children, but he refuses to listen, telling me he is through with this girl. Yet I know he is not, and he is likely to lose his position because of the affair. He tells all his friends he is behaving himself and threatens to desert me if I tell them the truth.

Am I not as guilty as he when 1 cover uo his actions? The good wife often wishes Were not so I ly by personal opinions and beliefs that were fixed long before the legislature voted to submit this issue to the people. Without much regard for the By RODNEY DUTCHER Am foolish as the fishes. I PERSONALLY am a poor judge ot A preaching for the reason that I sel Am ready to agree. details of "Senate Enrolled Act No. 2," dom hear it except from my own lips.

1 really couldn't bear myself. But now and then I square myself a great many of those who go to the polls will no doubt vote "yes" on the WASHINGTON, March 25 THE welfare of both the country and the republican party demand With someone can compare myself, measure simply because it provides for capital punishment as such, while Some bigger fool than me. which Is a source of considerable disappointment to me. What I otherwise hear is so unusual an experience that it enlists my earnest attention and I get much good out ot it. that President Hoover should De neither renominated nor re-elected, a great many others will vote "no" for So, when I'm off my trolley, 1 Am feeling melancholy, I betterment that goes with it, Theodore Roosevelt, out Consider the facts in the case.

In according to Senator George w. or-ris of Nebraska, chairman of the re-ftmt nroeressive conference. the same reason. There may be some, however, whose attitude will be shaped at least partly by the specific pro Grow really rather folly of sight and out of mind of people here in continental a ministry of 40 years the average Am sure as sure can be, Protestant clergyman must preach at I congratulate you on acting vigor Norris and Hoover are two oi we Although remorse may smother one, United States, has been working his head off. Not many people from these northern latitudes go down most thoroughgoing political ene ously in defense of your honor as a least five thousand times.

Some long-lived and active pulpiteers have at There always is another one. mies In nubile life. Norris was ine wile, the mother oi cnuaren ana mis to a tropical country and work their heads off. Some bigger fool than me. tained a total output ot twenty thou tress in your own home.

If, as seems The working hours of Theodore Roosevelt are said independent republican senator who bolted the Hoover ticket In 1928 and called for the election of Al Smith, to be the case, your husband's denials Tomorrow: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOURSELF? (Copyright by Douglas Malloch) the democrat. He has led many anti- of a national system of flood control for the great Mississippi valley by the building of storage dams on the tributaries of the Mississippi river. He promised Immediate development of navigation from the Great Lakes to the sea through the St. Lawrence river, but he has made no effort to redeem that promise. "Under his leadership and Influence, income taxes of the wealthy have been reduced without a corresponding reduction for the smaller Incomes.

Blocked "Lame Deck" BUI "His leaders and legislative slaves have blocked that badly needed reform known as the 'lame duck' amendment to the constitution and he benefited by lame duck' votes when they proved sufficient to defeat in the house the senate amendment to provide $25,000,000 for food relief to our drought-stricken fellow citizens. "Instead of being a superman, recent history has demonstrated that Mr. Hoover Is only an ordinary Individual and that the welfare of the party as well as the welfare of the country demands that he should neither be renominated nor sand sermons. It is the prevailing fashion that every ordained preacher shall tell the congregation what he knows twice a Sunday. I wonder if any other profession is submitted to so severe a test.

In addition to preach to be from ,6 o'clock in the morning until midnight. There is no part of Porto Rico he has not visited, no hard problem of any class he has hot looked into, nothing so far thought upon that he has not tried. of his conduct are false, continue to oppose it. Its exposure cannot do as much harm as Its concealment involves for all concerned. But make sure of the facts In the case.

Allege Out of sight and out of mind, with no applause he nothing you cannot prove to the limit has worked incessantly. Such a record may not be administration fights in the senate and Hoover has set his face against many of the measures espoused by Norris and the other progressives. Hoover's man, Robert V. Lucas of the republican national committee, tried to defeat Norris by electing a democrat in the last Nebraska senatorial Then end an organized nypoensy Wayside Pickups By EARLE R. PITT perfectly natural" but there it stands.

ing, the minister is expected to shepherd his flock. The two offices interact, but they are essentially different, and the faithful pastor who is alao an eloquent divine is a rare com verging on fraud which endangers the peace and happiness of quite a few individuals. Canada Getting Fed Up bination. The preacher deals with T7LAGS. flying at the Up of factory Before taking final steps to that end election.

flag poles around Lansing, are not The nroirressive conference, al wanted a boundary line. Not a boundary line however, have a conference with your husband and lay all the cards particularly a symbol or patriotism thoueh non-partisan, was in many re with a marble post here and there, carrying a sur the mass, the pastor with the individual. When preacher and pastor are equally present In one man they enable him to sift out of the dust of casual remarks the precious pearls he according to E. W. Goodnow, manager spects an organized protest against the on the table.

Evidently his associates suspect his Infidelity, and probably of the Atlas Drop Forge company. veyor's mark, showing latitude and longitude, but a boundary line to keep out sight and sound. failure of the Hoover administration visions of the law proposed. It is therefore desirable that these provisions be widely known and thoroughly understood well before the date of decision." a The Muskegon Chronicle deals with the political position of Governor Brucker. It hopes the governor will continue to stand against the Green-McKay-McKeighan-Gillisple combination and adds: "Now, It seems.

Is when it is going to be demonstrated whether the governor is a real comer In the political realm or a false alarm. He will never be anything but an errand boy if he lets the combination now In control, or at least whose leadership has not been wholly and decidedly repudiated, continue to run the party and assign him his rules. If the governor has the qualities of a real leader there never was a more opportune time for him to demonstrate that fact and seize the reins. A state that is frankly doubtful of him would rally behind him with loud acclaim if he could but demonstrate bis ability to put this combination in its place." The Port Huron Times Herald doubtless moved by completion of the $10,000,000 Red Cross relief fund, in which Michigan has had a part, comments thus: "The thumb district of Michigan has sentimental as well as very prac they listen to his avowals of amend' Flags are hung out on holidays and to act to meet such problems as unem The need is getting rather pressing. Canada is embeds in his weekly messages.

some factory managements swing the ment with a smile of contempt. It is characteristic of such hallucinations ployment, agricultural distress, public utilities and other matters of concern But so many are the calls made banners out on other days, too, but this spring a factory flag flying on an upon the minister's time and energy as his that the guilty parties per being literally overwhelmed by the great American radio voice. This Is not because the voice from the United States is better voice, it is merely a louder to progressives. that frequently he Is hard driven Hi suade therruelves they are too clever ordinary day, according to Mr. Good Says "Superman" Failed to be found out.

now, Is a sign of the unusual. Its a one. Canada has a few free channels, but thev can 'Mr. Hoover came into office be sign of business rather than patriot his preparation for the pulpit. He has to carry into homes, hospitals, factories and workshops the Infection of goodness, peace and benediction.

not successfully compete with the nightly dope that cause the American people had been ife flashes comes in strong. ism. Mr. Goodnow explains it. He says that when a factory manager actually ieceives an order which has been Remind him of this, and still more of his debauched manhood and breakdown as a mate and a father.

Do it firmly, yet kindly, with the lmpres-sivenecs which complete self-possession always adds. Avoid tears and made to believe he was a superman, says Norris, in explaining his opposition to a second term for the Pres adapted to those who soar in Joy or Of course, we dont think Canada suffers verv sit in sackcloth and ashes. I would placed without solicitation, he runs up much from getting our entertainment, our Jazz, our lectures, our uplift, and our advertising. But we ident. "He promised relief for agrl have you reflect on these things when the flag.

As the World Whirls I By Tbe Asaoclated Pressi you judge the man weighted with lamentations. Be reasonable, but real. 'Every order a factory gets these Public Health Forces Rally Health Is wealth. That Is an old saying, but It bears repeating. Here in Lansing and in Michigan and in the United States we are pretty healthy, but we are not healthy enough.

If we were all as healthy as we might be, it would not matter much whether congress met In extra session or in any session at all, except once in five years or so. Health is not only wealth, but it Indicates a pretty serviceable degree of morality as well. Healthy people are nver very bad people. Healthy people are almost Invariably people of a considerable degree of restraint. Having delivered the foregoing generality, it seems in order to remind that the readers of The State Journal, in recent days, must have noticed something of a stir in Lansing In the matter of the better organization of the various health agencies.

Just the other day there was a meeting in the offices of the city health department, with Dr. 8. Rowland HilL head of that department, and other members of the city government present. Other than the representatives of the city government there was representation of the voluntary social agencies of the city as well. Ingham county also had representation.

So did the Junior Chamber of Commerce. It must be gratifying to the community to notice their sacred responsibilities. He should know that whatever the days." observes the Atlas Drop Forge might have the decency to pause and contemplate how we would relish the situation were we nightly overwhelmed by talk from across some national Nevertheless. It must be admitted company manager, 'Is dug out with consequences may be, the curtain has rung down on the first act in your culture and the people were made to believe that he could bring relief. He had his own way and congress passed the bill he wanted, giving him the authority he had requested.

He has made a complete failure and agriculture is in much worse condition than that too many preachers are wilfully great toil and worry and terrific ef- border. domestic tragedy. EW. YORK Now that Spain has quieted down, It seems that Detroit has failed to receive an increase in population. Says Sydney Frank lort.

When an order comes In unso- dull, vacuous and soggy. A sermon which is nothing more than a morass If he makes a fresh start, speak no The other day an Inventor In Chicago nut a tele licted handed to us on a platter, so to speak we are so happy and jubi of hesitating words without Ideas more of divorcing him. If that start lin, Brooklyn toreador: "Kins? Alfnrwn reaulres removal from the locality, do leaves sinners hardened and saints when he took office. lant that we must express ourselves in tical reasons for generous and whole vision picture on a 10-foot screen. It begins to appear that Canada is doomed for the rest of her days not alone to hear our family quarrels, but to have to "He has done almost nothing to weary.

It would be far better omitted not hesitate to move. Hold together for the children's sake so long as this some way. So we run up the old flags. It helps both to express and relieve meet the economic depression and the vast unemployment which it created. Not content with minimiz- our feelings." hearted support of the Red Cross, not only in the work which Is regularly done locally, but In the administration of relief in times of great disaster.

There are many people in Port Huron from the divine worship oi wrucn it should be an essential feature. So would sensational harangues dependent upon vulgarized methods and passing emotions. can be done. Adjust the difficulty at privately as may be. But let everything hang on his actual demonstra has spoken to me many times and always he asked me about Detroit and the automobile factories.

His main Interest is automobile engines. He said that if he ever grew tired of being a king he would go to Detroit right off the bat and work in an automobile factory." wok, night arter night, at the great, gluey, suffocating American kiss as used in advertising. Hosiery models and bathing beauties will certainly make Canada like 'em. lna- the situation and failing to act tion that he has resumed his re-sDonsibllltles as a husband, a father Even "fine" preaching has its penis and throughout the thumb dlstlrct who, when they read the story about upon it. he vetoed the Wagner bill which would have established a coordinated national system of employment exchanges.

when it renders mere lip service to the Putterville News EDITED By E. R. P. and citizen. (Copyright.

New York Tribune. Ine.) Clara Barton's first chapter of the Red Atoms have been found 100 millionth of an inch King of Kings. If we would not spou Cross in The Times Herald a few days Through equivocation and lack or apart. Mr. Thomas, the New York socialist, doesn't claim the republicans and democrats are any nearer IfANSAS CITY Jim Reed is qualified to wear a toga.

This doesn't ago, recalled with interest and perhaps with something of emotion, the great eeclal to The state Journal: tuna uisi. stability, the Hoover administration is a disappointment to all who believe in an honest and fair enforcement of the prohibition law. The World and All forest fire which swept the thumb dis mean that he has been re-elected to the senate. Gutzon Borglum has Just PUTTERVILLE, March 25 the representatives of the city government and the representatives of the voluntary agencies co-operating in such a matter. Miss Bowen of the Social Service bureau and Mr.

McBroom. director of the Community Welfare Fund, were present. To what degree all trict 50 years ago. and which brought A Porto Rican woman has fallen at that fmt nf President Hoover and asked him for a pardon for her the first relief distributed under her direction by the new organization." Flays Partisan Attitude By partisan influence and con TT AM SPRTJCETREE said today at the first session of the Hub store Liars club that he never chose to put any money in banks so then he never By CHARLES B. DRISCOLL son, just as li ne were a king.

A circ*mstance like maoe a oust oi nun and thinks that from one standpoint he Is one of the noblest Romans of them all. "It is one of the strongest faces I have modeled," said the sculptor. "That man could wear a toga." those represented can co-operate on the health prob that Is bound to be used against him in the next cam trol of the house, he has blocked The Ann Arbor News relates a situ lem of this community is not wholly apparent to the paign. lication of three books by Mr. Liver relief for millions of starving or distressed American citizens and his un had to.

worry over whether his banker was playing the stock market with mere onlooker. But the onlooker will note with sat' ation in its county long subjected to legal juggling to reduce the compensa ight that I dont care for. merciful and arbitrary attitude has savings deposits. Ham said If he had An eastern debutante has been asked to come to istactlon the co-operation of the legal and the formal xiouywooa because it is believed she can Dortrav so tion of county officials. It now turns out, due to some legal conflicts, that the officials are left almost flat.

The branch of government with the more pliable volun tary agencies. It Is a good symptom. indicated that partisan considerations have more weight with him than the alleviation of human misery. ciety in an authentic manner. Some have suggested that we already have too much authenticity in that News adds: VEW YORK In black cassock and biretta the Rev.

Eliot White has been picketing the grounds of the Cathedral of St John the Divine, carrying a sign that reads: "Bishop, I ask you for justice." His purpose Is to obtain a hearing from Bishop Man Throughout his administration he has respect. "It's a grim Joke, played while some shown that he is moved by a narrow- money In the bank he would worry all the time. Now Ham says all he has to worry over is whether Al Ca-pone might make up his mind to take over the United States navy and army. Llje Turner, the Weekly Borer printer, is at it again with horse liniment. Lije fell over- a rag rug in the second story of the Commercial "Crimes of the by Joseph Oollomb.

No, I haven't read it. I just naturally can't read a book by this author since he wrote one, purporting to be all fact, which was found to contain the remarkable adventures of some Imaginary highwaymen previously and originally written about by Charles J. Finger, who didn't claim Some Books A MERICANS must seem very to the Chinese. We understand so little Chinese. Some day I shall take a trip to China, stay a week, and come home talking like an authority.

That's the way most books and articles on China are Inspired and conceived. Not so a book I've just been reading. It's "A Chinese Mirror," by Florence Ayscough. illustrated appropriately by Lucille Douglass. It is published by Houghton Mifflin.

This is a book that makes me wonder how one was asleep. It will save a little With all health agencies co-operating It Is likely some marked improvement in general health conditions may be realized. The health problem Is by no means an Individual problem. Some of the greatest advances in modern times have come through proper minded partisanship never equaled by any other president. money for the county, it will work much hardship on the Individuals involved.

It denies the proverb that the YESTERDAYS IN LANSING Taken Prom tha Pllea ot Tha Lansing State Journal After assuring agriculture that he ning, xie was dismissed from the staff of Grace Episcopal church after handling of the health problem as a community prob' last night and kicked the rug all to laborer Is worthy of his hire. It represents an injustice that is the conse- would put it an equality with other lines of business by proper tariff revision, he took no step to redeem that promise, but signed a tariff bill which his characters were historical. T. MARY'S basketball team is defeated in final pieces before he could untangle him auence of a combination of laws In self. Old Dibble, proprietor of the lem.

The digging of the Panama canal was a giant engineering feat, but great as it was in that sense, the feat of the sanitary engineer surpassed it. Health as common problem Is worthy of all the attention that "Eskimo," a tale of the Greenland primitives, by Peter Freuchen. This Is the first book that has ever actually i round of state Class high school championship, losing to St. Augustine five of Kalamazoo 40 much longer I'd better postpone this has further Increased the burdens or agriculture and has also earned us the enmity of all the nations of the 'nauseated me. visit to China, to 9.

W. A. Ruonavaara. collector of personal taxes for city, announces he will be candidate for city treas- tended to serve Justice. Legal authorities should spare no effort to find a legal way of paying the officials the amounts to which they are entitled.

In the meantime, we have a splendid lesson to contemplate In considering the world because of its unreasonable and "The Dangerous Life." by Ben Lindsey. I just cant like Llndsey or ean be given it. 'Auto Accidents Beggar War Horace Liveright has published discriminatory rates. "Under Mr. Hoover's direct leader take him seriously.

And besides, v. urer. Lansing is to become home of xc first "model Reo salesrooms," it is AGO announced by Reo Motor Car company officials structure is to be lo such a long list of books lately that tendency of the age to pass new laws ship, this administration has done hotel, says the rug was an Important and highly prized antique and Llje will have to pay for it. The rug has been in use in 'the hotel for 40 years or more. Llje Turner says Old serves coffee that is older than the rug and has seen more wear.

Llje says the Commercial hotel coffee Is one of the oldest antiques In the United States, cut is gradually growing weaker and weaker from old age. Lije was kicking at everything yesterday. No. 7 lost her bell clapper somewhere down Automobile accidents are getting Into a class with I must tell you my impressions or with reckless abandon ana men se have a prejudice in favor of old-fashioned marriage and another against people who try to advertise themselves everything possible to carry out the upholding Ben Lindsey and companionate marriage. VyASHINGTON Ford theater.

where Lincoln was shot, is to be repaired and made into a Lincoln museum by Ulysses S. Grant, 3rd, director of public buildings. WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. From a TT five-year-old boy Percy Grainger, concert pianist, has received a piano lesson.

Francis Laska, who has given a concert or so himself, visited the master at a friend's home and heard him place a piece. The boy there was an error. He proved it by the score. A certain passage had not been repeated. Grainger thanked his caller and got even by showing iJm he to play the guitar.

some of them. And first, of those I the weather. Mark Twain will be remembered as re cated on site of Reo Service station on North Grand avenue. Elmer Jarvis is in charge of meetina- of Civic like. marking that everybody talked about the weather renely forget about them until they become tangled skeins of technicalities in which human beings are caught like by disturbing church services.

a a a The Sophisticates," by Gertrude but no one ever did anything about it. Talk and sta Bureau of Chamber of Commerce. marklmr "North tistlcs on the life and death problem of the automo Lansing Day." wishes and demands of the power trust. His appointments of the new power commissioners to office, along with other appointments, show his complete and absolute sympathy with the power people In their efforts to enrich their great monopoly from our natural resources at the expense of Atherton. Is.

I think, one of the best novels by this gifted woman. It is not easy, within he compass of one bile continue in abundance, My fritnd. Hubert Herring, has Just returned from a cruise of the Caribbean which he conducted for the committee on cultural relations with files in spiders' webs." SOVIET BROADCASTING ROUSES IRE IN GERMANY the line today. MICHIGAN AERO SERVICE CORPORATION has purchased 15 airplanes to be used In state-wide volume, to picture a complete trans However, in spite of the fact that statistics are plentiful, it may do no harm to notice that the 'Travelers Insurance company has Just reported the total formation of a character. That's just commercial air service, it is announced bv Harold Latin America.

I believe I'm a mem REBEL REVIVES HAND millions of consumers of electricity. one of the jobs Atherton does In this story. number Jailed in 1930, in the United States, as 32500, ber of the committee, and II so I'll have to get to work exchanging some P. Ayres, head of the firm. Plans for new city power plant are discussed at meeting of Lansing Engineers "Under his leadership and with his BERLIN, March 00 Soviet recolu- LOOM FOR WEAVING approval, his apolntees have tionarv nrooaganda sent out in Ger This metns a ath increase over 1929 of 4.5 percent.

It must "Be remarked that the percentage increase will cultural relations, or rind myseu urea "Mademoiselle Against the World" ily and without notice or hearing re ilerrina? conducts an annual Bemi HOUSTON, March 24 (IP) man by the powerful Moscow station continues to evoke bitter complaints moved faithful servants of the people get y' if you dont watch out Maybe it will if you do. TrK ciud Harry L. Conrad, president. has charge of the meeting, and AGO Oscar E. Bulkeley.

superintendent of city power and water plants, out is a breezy blc-raphlcal story by a nar in Mexico. The word is Seminar, Young William Spencer, graduate of who had stood for enforcing the law person who calls herself Titayna. I The distance between atoms has been measured by Dr. Arthur H. Compton of the University of Chicago.

It is one one-hundred-millionth of an inch. Like as in a great many other problems of life, we here, especially among officials of the not Seminary. A book recently pub two colleges, is conducting a single- against the encroachments of the dis do not doubt that it Is as authentic as lished bv the Seminar is entitled -rne handed "revolt" against the modern lines proposed project. Speaker Fred L. Warner of Post and Telegraph departments.

Since the opening of the new vatl honest manipulations of the power such tales of successive hair-breadth mechanistic age. the state house of representatives tells Lansing Ro Genius of It tells all about Mexican culture, and of course it's escapes usually are, but It is awfully can station, German communists meet want to eat our cake and keep it, too, in respect to the useof automobiles. Few, indeed, are the number who are at all willing to submit to drastic regulation of their own automobile. Most everybody is perfectly willing to have the other driver subjected to almost Sitting at a home-made, old-fashioned hand loom, like a housewife in all such comDlalnts with a counter oe monopoly. Cites Muscle Shoals Veto "Using his power of de stroyed the Muscle Shoals bill i tary ciuo members purpose or income tax measure before legislature.

Charles E. Toms addresses meeting of Lansing Life Underwriters association. much too deep for me. a a early America, ne Is weaving for a mand that the pope must be told to confine broadcasting from his station unfortunate that Titayna Hasn't a more plausible every -day name. One should have at least two names, or should acquire a second one, if one is going to write a convincing autobi I've been looking at my tongue In growing clientele.

Spencer, son of Judge H. Spencer, to the Latin or Italian language. any restriction, but the individual has no privilege in rasnect to the use of his car that he is ready to ATLANTA Jeff Davis has in his lucky bag five bullets that came out of his stomach. Four of them went in sometime or other in the distant past. All of them were found when surgeons were probing the negro for the fifth, which came from somebody's gun.

Jeff insists the first four never bothered him. measure designed to utilize the great government property at Muscle Shoals for the cheapening of fertilizer for LOCAL traction company discharges six conductors who are charged by company officers with having was retained by a textile mill when he completed a post-graduate course ography. surrender. the mirror and feeling my pulse ever since I read "We Take to by Marshall McCllntock. published by Cape and Smith.

It Is a tragic tale of More action in fiction form, for American agriculture and utilization in textile engineering at Georgia Tech. those who like action mixed with a been discourteous and Incompetentr-actlon was for "good of the service." it is said. E. A. Gilkey lands school board nomination at caucus of fifth ward, de The Soviet government has replied to former notes on the subject that the broadcasting is Intended for German settlers on the Volga.

German radio officials wonder why the broadcasting often starts with the exhortation "police and soldiers of Germany, of the surplus power for the benefit The work did not satisfy him and he tuberculosis by a man who nas nao it. bit of mystery and exotic atmosphere, In view of the fact that to do as one jolly well pleases with his own car has come to be regarded as a vested right, the legislature and other governing bodies talk and talk and go round and round, saying of people within transmission dis resigned. Is to found in "The Iron by feating Smith O. Young and George With two young friends, who later tance of the development. The power people want no yardstick which TWENTY-FIVE M.

Ooodell. Directors of the Capi- Harry Hervey, and "The Veiled by Achmed Abdullah. dropped out. he organized the "Three Weavers" and made all the equipment. tha same old meaningless suggestions over ana over.

would expose their extortionate rates. He and his wife, in fact, have gone through some soul-harrowing and body-wracking experiences with the disease which stiU claims such a lasge percentage of human beings. This is the kind ot book that is so authentic remember you are proletarians." YEARS AGO "auonai Dane nave received word of their authorisation by the For myself. I prefer "Goodbye and from warper to dyeing vat, himself. dristOL, Va.

For a month Au-gustus Fair. 25. had the tip of a pocket knife blade in his brain. It was put there during a fight. Surgeons have removed it.

They think be has a good chance to recover. Every now and then drivers are warned that if they riant keen both headlights burning at night, they will so Mr. Hoover killed the bill after it had been passed by both houses The authorltles.have long been contemplating drowning out the Russian broadcasting with interference from Tomorrow," by Leane Zugsmith. a national oanicing comptroller to do business in Lan ine process Is slow. Weaving a ot congress.

Kinfif work la brina- don In tha man nf tha HnlUater have their ears cut off or something like that, but neck scarf, for example, requires more "The President stands in the way you want to do something about tt. XCopyright, ltcNauskt Syndicate Inc.) here. than nan an hour. Now must briefly record the pub driver has yet suffered In any way to far noticed. jblock in preparation for installation of.

the bank..

Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.